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A Shout Out to Four Inspiring Women

Today, I want to say thank you to four women in this community whose engagement has supported me and kept me moving forward as I work to close the wealth gap between men and women.

I’m feeling grateful as I wrap up another season of the Women’s Money Group, whose active programming runs from September to July. I’m also thinking about the fact that I have now been publishing blog posts – hundreds of them – for more than eight years!! Hard to believe.

Anyone who writes a blog knows that it can be a lonely effort. What keeps bloggers going is engagement.

Hearing from our community that what we write resonates with them.

Hearing from our readers that what we share is making a difference.

If you’ve ever sent me an email after a newsletter/money tip to share your thoughts or comment on what you read, thank you! That means the world to me.

If you’ve ever reached out to say how much something I’ve shared has helped you, thank you! It fills my cup to hear that my work is making a difference.

I’m grateful to ALL of you for being an active part of my community.

That said, four women, in particular, deserve to a huge shout out for going above and beyond. I owe a debt of gratitude to the following four women.



Every content creator needs a community of support. For me, there are a number of people who buoy me, however the person at the top of that list is Bona N.

In the early days of my blog, she kept telling me how important my voice was for women. “You need to keep writing. Your words are powerful!” she’d say to me, especially on days when I doubted the usefulness of my posts.

She has continued to be a steadfast cheerleader through the publication of my book, the launch of the Women’s Money Group (which she flew in from the U.S. for), and the introduction of my courses.

Bona has taken every single course I have offered and continues to send me enthusiastic emails, both throughout the courses and afterwards.

I can’t even count the number of hours we have spent brainstorming the development and evolution of my offerings, usually at her instigation.

She is my biggest cheerleader and her crazy-huge heart has carried me through many a tired, doubtful moment.

I love her for that.



You can have a great offering, but if the world doesn’t know about it, you’re going nowhere. Exposure in business is critical.

Wendy L is, bar none, my best supporter ever (aside from my spouse).

Whenever I put up a blog post, she shares it.

Something on my Facebook page? Shared, liked/loved, and commented on.

Course offerings? Promoted to all her friends and acquaintances, including pointing some people to specific events because she feels they would benefit from them.

When I published my book, she made sure everyone in her world knew about it. She also traveled from her home city (many hours away) to Ottawa to be here for the launch.

That’s the kind of promotion you simply can’t pay for. Well, you can through advertising, but you can’t beat this kind of enthusiastic endorsement.

Wendy is one of the kindest, most loyal people I know. Her help throughout the years has been a blessing.

I love her for that.



If you’re going to write stuff, you need to know that people are reading it in order to keep going.

One of the fun things about the stats that come with most email services is that you can see what percentage of your readership actually opens your emails.

A few days ago, I was cleaning up my mailing list and I checked some of the stats. One woman on my list has opened 100% of the emails that I’ve sent out since she joined a couple of years ago.!! I can’t even say that of myself for the lists that I’m on!

A huge shout out to Shea B for being my most faithful reader!!

What I love about Shea is that she writes to me occasionally to tell me she queued up all my emails, then did a deep dive to tuck into them. I get a report on what she did, what she found, what she learned, and what she plans to do next.

It’s awesome!

For bonus marks, she actually does all the homework, too. And sends me emails detailing her kick-ass results.

Shea has made me laugh out loud with her stories and insights. It’s a joy to get emails from her and it gives me no end of pleasure to know that she is reading every word and rocking her finances even more than she was when she first joined my community.

I love her for that.



Some readers touch you profoundly. They have a way of communicating that resonates and connects.

For me, Anjali A is that reader.

For nearly two years now, I have been receiving regular emails from Anjali detailing her financial journey – and what an impressive journey it’s been!

I swear, no one that I know of has done more work and accomplished more jaw-dropping results in such a short period of time as Anjali, despite noteworthy challenges.

Throughout it all, Anjali has reached out to me to take me along with her on her path. She has shared how my work is helping her transform her life. Her writing is often hilarious and always touching.

I recently told Anjali that her emails are some of my favorites. I mean it. Watching her transformation and reading her heartfelt emails has been both inspiring and humbling.

Whenever I have a day where everything goes sideways and I wonder what the hell is up, I simply reread her emails. They invariably serve as encouragement to carry on.

I love her for that.


So thank you – to these four remarkable women whom I’ve had the good fortune of attracting into my life, and to you all, my readers, for making this journey so fulfilling.

I am grateful.

Who are the people in your life who serve as your top cheerleaders and supporters? Pop down to the comment section below and share away. Let’s keep the gratitude going!

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