We’re coming live to your home! Women’s Money Group News

I’ve got some big news about the Women’s Money Group: We’re coming live to your home!
compass with Core Values written on it
OK, I won’t actually be knocking on your door, but you will have a chance to participate live from your home, regardless where you live, thanks to the magic of live-streamin

Starting this month with the September 24th meeting, we are opening our doors to women everywhere. You’ve been asking me to do this for a while now, and I’m finally ready to proceed. There were a few things to address before I could make this happen.

First, since the WMG format is a new-ish concept, I needed to ensure that it resonates with women. Check.

Second, the researcher in me needed to be 100% sure that the group gets results for its participants. Eighteen months in, that’s a Check.

Third – and this is perhaps the biggest hurdle – I needed to get over my fear of having to work out the technical details to make it happen. It’s ironic that I teach women how to get past their financial fears all day long, and yet I was letting the tech-PITA factor stop me cold. Thanks to a workshop leader for giving me the swift kick in the pants I needed to make this happen.

What’s in it for you

I just got off the phone with the special guest I’m going to interview at September’s meeting – you’ll love her! – and she said this about the group:

“At first, I saw your posts on social media and I assumed you taught classes on budgeting and the like. I figured, “I’m doing well. I’m good.” After I joined, I realized that what you teach is so much more detailed and important than that. It’s transformative.”

This from a lady who was already doing well financially coming into the group. I got a kick out of her comments because, as it happens, I’m not a fan of budgeting. Of all the things I would never dwell on, budgeting is chief among them. If someone is preaching about budgeting, you know it won’t be me!

You’ll get to hear a lot more from this lady on September 24th as I ask her about her difficult childhood, the way she pulled herself out of poverty to a great place, and, finally, how she is implementing what she learned in our Women’s Money Group to create impressive results. We’ll hear the specific steps she took to get herself to a position of financial strength.

That’s one of the cool things about the Women’s Money Group – you learn not only from me, but from speakers and the other members of the community. There’s a reason I say that we offer financial education, empowerment and community. Our community is a game-changer for women.

What’s driving your money choices?

The Women’s Money Group meeting season runs from September to July, with online coaching and Q&A calls all year long. To start the 2019/2020 season, we’re drilling down to your financial foundation.

The entire financial system that I teach starts with Mindset and Values; not budgets and spreadsheets.

If you want your money to work for you, you need to be very clear on the job you’d like it to do.

If you’d like your money to do the right job for you, you need to be crystal clear about what matters most.

That’s where we’re starting this season. September’s meeting topic is How to Create a Money-Saving, Values-Based Spending System. 

For the full details and registration information, click on the link above. Here’s a partial overview of what we’ll cover:

– How to determine your most important values

– Identifying mindset issues that may be getting in the way of achieving clarity on your values

– Creating value statements that resonate deeply with you

– Determining the order of importance among your values

– Developing values-based goals to guide your spending

– How to apply this system to your spending (this is where the rubber meets the road)

– How to decide between two choices when both are congruent with your values, but there isn’t enough cash to fund them both

– Coaching for those who are having trouble identifying their values

Zoom to connect

Here’s how it works: If you’re near Ottawa, you have the option of attending in person. Hey, even if you live across the country and you want to fly in, come on down! We’d love to have you.

However, if you’re not anywhere nearby and you want to participate in this and/or other WMG meetings, you just need to register using this link. Select the “First-time Participant – Online” option and go from there. A couple days before the meeting, I’ll send you a link to join the meeting via Zoom.

The meetings take place the last Tuesday of every month (except December). They start at 6:45 pm EST and go until 9 pm EST.

If you’ve never used Zoom before, it’s super simple to set up. Just click on the link that I send you and follow the instructions.

The link will take you to a webinar format in which you can view and listen in on the meeting. If you have questions, you can type them using the chat function; one of my team members will pass them along to me to be answered right then and there.

After the meeting, members will have access to a recording of the meeting for 30 days. The meeting will be followed by my usual Office Hours for Q&A. Ask me any financial questions you like, get one-on-one feedback, and benefit from group coaching twice per month, over and above the meetings.

Maintaining a safe space

One of the things I hold dear is the safety of the space that we’ve created in the WMG. To ensure that we maintain an environment where women feel free to ask anything they like and express themselves fully, the camera will only show me and my guest presenters. Questions will be shared with everyone tuning in, however no identifying information will be revealed to the group.

The recordings are for the exclusive use of the WMG members.

Accountability and encouragement

I started opening the meetings with an “Action taken in the past month” segment and it proved to be very popular with our members. We will continue that tradition moving forward, as well as providing built-in accountability measures.

Some of the members have even connected to act as fitness accountability partners for each other. The benefits are going well beyond their finances.

Let’s do this!

If you’re a woman who wants to take her finances to the next level, then join us for a new season of financial education and empowerment. Geography is no longer a limiting factor. 

So many women have made great strides in just a handful of months; women from varying backgrounds, ethnic groups and ages.

I don’t care how old you are.

I don’t care if your hair is black, brown, blond, gray, turquoise – or missing altogether!

It doesn’t matter one bit if you’re stuck in a difficult financial position or you’re doing well.

What matters is that you are a woman who wants more from her money.

What matters is that you are a woman who wants more from life.

We’re headed to a cool destination – an enriched life, full of experiences, joy, fulfillment and peace of mind.

Are you coming?

Click here if yes. I look forward to *seeing* you at the next Women’s Money Group meeting.

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