Two Things Six-Figure Women Do That Gives Them an “Unfair” Financial Advantage

What do high six- and seven-figure women know that women who aren’t earning up to their potential don’t?

Actually, that’s not quite the right question. What I should have asked is this:

What do they do that underearners don’t?


Two Things

Several years ago, Barbara Huson, an American wealth coach, interviewed more than one hundred and fifty high-earning women to see if she could spot some patterns of behavior that would explain their ability to generate high incomes and wealth. She shared her results in her book, Secrets of Six-Figure Women.

Not surprisingly, clear patterns emerged despite the fact that the women came from diverse backgrounds and industries.

Chief among the similarities is the fact that high earners have two critical types of support in their lives. Here’s how Barbara Huson explains it:

Six-figure women have two specific types of support that Underearners seemed to lack: True Believers, people who recognize their potential and offer encouragement; and Way Showers, people who provide the map and serve as proof that success is possible.

In other words, they have a Cheer Team who offer support and recognition throughout the growth; and they have Guides who provide knowledgeable feedback and a plan to follow.
That, right there, is their unfair advantage – the secret jet fuel to propel them farther and faster toward their goals.


Have you got that in your life?

Most of us have friends who love us and who are supportive of our goals. They’re friendly, loving, and awesome.

But how many of us have Cheer Teams who are there with us every step of the way to pick us up when we doubt ourselves, remind us of our capabilities when we stumble and berate ourselves, and haul out the mariachi band when we meet important milestones on our path to achievement?

That’s a whole other level of support! And it’s precisely what high earners have in their corner.

But they don’t stop there. A Cheer Team can only support you; it can’t show you the way. That’s not the role of the Cheer Team.

The “Way Showers”, as Barbara calls them, are the knowledgeable guides, in the form of coaches and mentors, who have been down the path you’re on and who know where the rocks and the curves are that can send you off-course. They use experience to help you by-pass the traffic jams that can stall your progress.

They don’t just show you what to do; they show you what to avoid and in doing so, they save you a heap ton (it’s not a real measure, but it should be!) of stress, frustration, and delays.

Who plays that role in your life?


Your unfair advantage

You have an unfair advantage at your finger tips. It’s called the Women’s Money Group.

Where else can you find a group dedicated to women’s financial empowerment, that was designed on purpose to provide you with your very own Cheer Team and Financial Guide month in, month out?

Whose core mission is to help you crank up your confidence and achieve both your financial and life goals while working in a community of like-minded women who want the same sorts of things you do:

– feel competent about money;
– enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re financially solid;
– learn how to make your money work harder for you – a LOT harder;
– boot corrosive debt the hell out of your life for good;
– feel that you are on track to fulfill your purpose (and to help you figure out what that is, exactly);
– live the very best life you can and spend as much time as possible with the most important people in your life.

In other words, they, and you, want to live a good life.

Imagine what it would be like to have that available to you day in, day out?

To have a safe space to ask money questions, even the ones you secretly think are moronic?

THAT, my friends, is what the Women’s Money Group provides.

It is the secret sauce that is helping women become the kick-ass six-figure gals Barbara wrote about all those years ago.


Why today?

If this resonates with you and you’ve been nodding your head thinking, “That would feel amazing!” then join our growing group today.

It’s super simple to do: Go to the WOMEN’S MONEY GROUP PAGE and select either the monthly membership or the annual one.

Why today?

Because today is the kick-off to the latest season of Women’s Money Group workshops. And it’s a biggie!

I’m going to share research-based information from multiple sources on How to Negotiate Like a Pro to save more money, make more money, and achieve more of the results you want.

It works with bosses, colleagues, hiring managers, grumpy vendors, clients, and teenagers. Yes, even teenagers.

Here’s the thing: All my workshops are for my Members’ benefit. You can be a member of our awesome community!


Pop up your crystal ball

Who will be your CHEER TEAM and your GUIDE to help you achieve your goals?

What will change about your results if you don’t have these key players in your life?

Answer these questions honestly. Look back over the past five years; they’ll offer up a clue to the progress you can expect if you take a DIY approach.

And yes, I have these people in my life too. I definitely have a vocal, go-to CHEER TEAM to support me as I build my business and I have coaches.

In fact, this year alone, I have paid more than $5,000 US, so far, for courses and mentorship. I’m currently working on an arrangement that will have me investing $7,000 US for a six-month engagement with a coach.

If you won’t invest in yourself, who will?

The good news for you is that your investment won’t be $7,000 US! The annual membership is an investment of $497 and the monthly membership is $49.

Here’s what one of my members said of her time as a Women’s Money Group member so far:

“I’ve made more progress in the four months I’ve been a Women’s Money Group member than in the seven years before that!” – Pamela Bryson-Weaver

I go live at 6:45 pm EDT tonight.

If you’re tired of tackling your finances and your goals alone, join us. As soon as you have your membership, you’ll receive instructions on how to join in tonight.

I hope to see your face among the women in our community.


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